OFF: Bedouin, Derby and other stuff.
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Apr 29 14:54:20 EDT 1999
On tor 29 apr 1999 19.26 +0100 "Neil Ward" <Neil at FAWE.DEMON.CO.UK> wrote:
> The lack of encore was simply a reflection of the lack of crowd noise at
> end. Shame.
Cambridge was similar. I think there was not much noise
at the end of the set, because people simply expected them to
come back and play some more ... "LSD" at least. They finished
well before 11, despite the late start in Cambridge. There was
lots more noise _after_ LSD (with still time for another number
or two before 11) when it wasn't obvious that they had more to
play. The crowd was boogieing and head-banging all the way--or
rather increasingly so after the first few numbers when it
became clear that the band were rocking like demons--so it's obvious
that people _liked_ it!
The "encore" is dead. People can't be bothered to make
a lot of noise when they know you're coming back out anyway.
Conversely, everyone knows some bands won't come back out and
play more no matter how much you clap and shout. Play until
everyone sods off home, is my suggestion! Longer, if ya feel
like it :)
Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
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