HW: Epoch Eclipse review in Time Out

Chris Warburton desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Sat Aug 28 15:13:14 EDT 1999

At 11:07 27/08/99 +0100, you wrote:
>In article <37C5F1FD.7C84E69D at softhome.net>, Sen. Volstead
><antisol at SOFTHOME.NET> writes
>>Does anyone recall any earlier appearances of the term
>>"punk rock"?
>oh yes, indeed
>Before the term was reapplied to the 70's punks, "punk rock" was a
>common enough term for bands like MC5, Iggy etc and all the Nuggets
>bands like the Prunes, the Elevators, The Seeds etc. The 60's garage
>sound was called punk in most rock books published prior to '75.
Thank-you very much...show's the old brain hasn't clouded-up completely :-{)>

NP:Gomez/Bring It On
"a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin" -

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