BOC: Who's beating the drums?

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Thu Dec 30 08:50:05 EST 1999

On 30 Dec 99, at 9:11, Nick English wrote:

> > > This just in:
> > >
> > > >>>Drummer Chuck Bonfante is out, Bobby Rondinelli is in
> > > in SIGNS OF LIFE. The band is said to be a mix of
> > > Zebra, Journey, Touch and Kansas.
> Just another note, and not meant to be a knock on Mr. Rondinelli --
> But should it be considered an upward move going from one band with
> limited commercial viability to a new band that blends the styles of
> four of them?
Howls!  And even though we poke fun at BOC's topsy-turvy career,
they have to be making a lot more money than SoL.  Does SoL have
a record contract?  Maybe BR figures there's more of a future in

So who's to replace Bobby?  John Micelli maybe?  I've heard him
pound for BOC a couple times, and he's really good.  Personally, I
thought he sounded more like Albert than Bobby.  But anyway, best
wishes for BR--he's a hell of a drummer...


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