HW: Hawk Fairies

sprawl sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM
Mon Feb 1 17:53:31 EST 1999

Have heard (and sold away for peanuts,) two albums by this
creature.  Don't know if this is one of them.  If it is, I'd say it is
 worth exactly  TWO  yen.   Whatever a yen is....

I am saying that I didn't like what I heard.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Greenhalgh <d.greenhalgh at virgin.net>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at listserv.spc.edu>
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 4:39 AM
Subject: HW: Hawk Fairies

>'Scuse me for being horribly behind the times when it comes to obscure
>Friends, relations and Mortal Enemies style releases,  but can anyone
>tell me whether "Hawk Fairies" is any good?  Apparently it is from
>Peterborough, 1995 and judging by the tracklist it has more to do with
>Nikwind than Brockwind.
>More to the point,  is it worth the 8000yen HMV want for it?
>Thank you,  good people of the list.

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