SV: HW/OFF: New at Aural Innovations
Henrik Hallgren
Wed Feb 3 02:44:52 EST 1999
Hi Keith!
Concerning Trad, gras & stenar; I couldn´t make it to the public library last weekend so I´ll try again tomorrow1
Korsberga is a small village between Växjö and Vetlanda in the south of Sweden, not shure if you will find it on a map though!
>Hi Folks...
><self-promotion mode on>
>I've finished some things up for the Aural Innovations website (URL below),
>and thought some of you might be interested in checking them out.
>As I had posted earlier, I was working on creating a Scandinavian (incl.
>Finland) map/link page that indicated the locations of all the space rock
>and psychedelic bands. Well, I've finished version 1.0, which is now up on
>the AI site. There are still a few bands to add (In the Labyrinth, ST.
>Mikael, Simon Says, Motorpsycho?), and I'm not certain the ones I already
>have are all properly located. (For instance, I have Akasha in Finnsnes,
>Norge, and can't now confirm that's where they were from. I'm afraid I may
>have 'made that up' via random positioning during the map's creation. Same
>with Träd, Gräs, och Stenar (Göteborg?), and I only guessed on The Word of
>Life (Stockholm), and optical blue (Umeå), based on their respective label
>headquarters. And where the heck *is* Korgsberga, home of darXtar!?!? I
>assume it's a suburb of Stockholm, but it must be pretty damn small, as no
>map shows it.) BTW, happy Cärl?? :)
>Anyway, I hope that eventually we'll have a whole suite of maps (UK and
>Germany next??) for use as web link devices, and for 'geographical
>guidance.' Any additions/corrections are still requested.
>Also, the 'Space Rock' Xword puzzle I made for the most recent issue of
>Aural Innovations (Issue #5) is also now up on the site. Try it out and see
>if you can trudge through it! For the magazine, the puzzles are the basis
>for a contest we'll be running each issue to win free CDs & stuff (the next
>one's already prepared). I don't believe that simply downloading the puzzle
>from the web and submitting the solution to Jerry electronically (or
>otherwise) will allow you to enter the contest...sorry. Although, if you
>were to send it in via snail mail (by 3/15) with a subscription order ($10/4
>issues, $14 overseas), I think you would then be eligible to win the CDs
>(listed below). (Sorry about the hard-line tactics, but we need the
>subscribers to support doing the 'zine.)
>I don't believe the puzzle should be too difficult for you all to solve,
>though I can't really be sure, since I made it myself and all the answers
>are hence eminently familiar to me. But I hoped that unfamiliar clues would
>turn folks towards looking up websites on particular bands and/or reading
>other AI reviews and such to find some answers. That I encourage. But, of
>course, I hope you'll all work independently, as opposed to posting the key
>here on boc-l!! I'm here, you know! :) (And on spacerockers, pt-trans, isi
>krautrock, r.m.p. etc. etc.)
>Below are the directions for solving the puzzle, and how to enter if you
>want to subscribe to the mag. (Of course, if you already subscribe, or
>purchased a single hard copy from a distributor, then your entry would
>automatically be valid.) BTW, if we get *many* more than five correct
>solutions, then once the 5 CDs (listed below) are claimed via the random
>drawing, that'll be it for prizes. If there are something like 7 or 8 folks
>that submit correct entries, then I'll probably come up with a couple of
>other consolation prizes such that everyone gets something. But you're not
>absolutely guaranteed a free disc by ordering/entering...just so that's
>clear. Keith
>Send entries (with your name and address) to:
>Jerry Kranitz
>1364 W. 7th Ave., Apt. B
>Columbus, OH 43212
>Entries (1 per household) must be postmarked by March 15, 1999. Any
>solution will be deemed valid that correctly produces the lyrical quote;
>however, though not graded for accuracy, the crossword puzzle must be
>completed in its entirety. Correct solution will appear in AI#6 (April,
>1999). From all valid entries, a random drawing will be held to determine
>the five winners, also to be announced in AI#6.
>Prizes (indicate your preferences and we'll try to award the prizes
>1. Vocokesh - Paradise Revisited (1998) - Milwaukee, WI space rock (see
>review in this issue)
>2. Simon - Writing on the Cosmic Wheel (1998) - Pittsburgh, PA "space-hop"
>(see review in AI#4)
>3. Guru Guru - Space Ship compilation (1996) - Legendary German psych/
> freak-out masters
>4. Kranky label sampler (1998) - Chicago, IL label that features
>drone-rockers Magnog, Jessamine, Windy & Carl, Roy Montgomery, among others
>5. Krel - Ad Astra (1997) - UK space rock (see review in AI#3); courtesy
>Peace of Mind Records
>Keith H. (FAA)
>Aural Innovations website:
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