HW: Emperors New Clothes

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Thu Feb 4 12:57:53 EST 1999

        Larry: I've always felt that what you say about Dave (conduit
rather than generator) was true of Nik, especially these last few years,
when any number of projects have had him tangentially involved but he
still in essence hasn't written a song since 1985. But Dave turns out
loads of stuff. Is what you're saying that it's not that stuff that
defines the Hawkwind sound? If so, I'd say, not any more, but once...
        Up until about 'Choose Your Masques', I think. After that his
stuff has been, sort of, second-rank, behind the current leader. IMHO.

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                      |
 |         (01223 338100)        jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk         |
 | ======================================================================|
 |      "`It's a Venusian space bassist,' said Turner the bird being."   |
 |            (Hawkwind, sleeve notes to 'Doremi Fasol Latido')          |

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