HW: Bedouin
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Sun Feb 7 19:50:40 EST 1999
On sön 7 feb 1999 19.23 -0500 "Bolts of Ungodly Vision" <js3619 at WIZVAX.NET>
> At 11:53 PM 2/7/99 +0000, you wrote:
>>of my continuing campaign to convince students grooving to
>>the current "stoner" (dreadful term!) bands that HW and Co.
>>are things they need to know about :)
> True, true. Back in my day (a.k.a 1.5 years ago), the collegiate
> was extremely unyeilding to music that wasnt sanctified by the
> of america. However, graduate school is a bit more freewheeling in its
> aural openess.
Youth are seldom open to the untrendy. But luckily the
"stoner/desert rock" seen is relatively trendy at the moment,
and it's no effort at all to convince people who like Kyuss
that _Space Ritual_ is pretty cool ... once you've convinced
them to listen to it.
It's actually mostly undergrads to whom I'm evangelizing.
Though I will shamelessly say there might be a few Cambridge
grad students not unfamiliar with this list who would be
wealthier and less HW intensive had I not been here :)
> What bothers me most is the absolute SILENCE of the offices.
> I cannot see how they can work in a tomb. I assume its different where you
> are Carl, since youre there carrying the space rock onwards in its crusade
> to kick ass wheerver it touches down.
Barring the library, I work in my room :) So I can kick
out the jams as necessary :)
But mostly I try to con people from the uni rock society
into checking out new stuff. It can be uphill task, but
every soul won to the light is a victory. Thanks to Metallica's
"Astronomy" cover, that opened the door for me to evangelize
BOC as well. Halleluia!
> Speaking of touring and mighty mighty rock music, pollstar.com has a
> (yes, a gaggle) of European tour dates for Bevis Frond. After listening
> more by the group/Nick, I am throughly convinced of Frond's rocking
> capacity, not to mention laying down a wicked electric guitar barrage.
Definitely. Nick can "play a bit", as they say :)
Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
mailto:cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk
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