HW: Bedouin

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Feb 8 06:41:14 EST 1999

> From:          Bolts of Ungodly Vision <js3619 at WIZVAX.NET>

> Stones live 'Midnight Rambler' kicking the amps into happier realms,
> Jason
> PS:  doesnt it seem silly to tour in promotion of a live album like the
> stones are doing?  you cant say "heres something off our new album" and
> really excite the fans now can you? hehe

I work not far from the Carrier Dome, a venue where the Stones appear
on every tour.  You should see the fans that come in for the shows.
Total yuppies, and quite pathetic-looking at that.  I'm quite sue
most of them head for the exits well before encore time.  The only
thing that might excite them could be when they mail the last payment
on their sport-utility-vehicles...


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