HW: brainstorm cover question

Wed Feb 10 12:50:33 EST 1999

greetings once again travellers in the void...

i was just browsing through the newsgroups and happened across a song in
alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1970s (ooh i know i know, home taping is killing
music ;-)) which set my backbrain a-clicking the song being our old
favourite brainstorm (and don't care what flava hawks you like,
_everybody_, in a recent poll, loves this song; anyway i'm babbling. my
question is:

does anyone know of a band called Mastermind (described as 'heavy prog'),
from (i guess 'Live in Tokyo') doing a cover of Brainstorm? Or is it
another song entirely. I know i could just d/l it but its a _big_ file...

oh and i just heard on the radio that iron maiden have raised 20mil by
selling share options on their back catalogue (or something) in order to
"bring heavy metal to China" ... i await the next Cultural Revolution with
interest ...


"This song,
Ping pong" - Thee Headcoats

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