HW: Hawkwind '97 in '99

Marshall Wood mwood at MY-DEJANEWS.COM
Wed Feb 17 14:19:32 EST 1999

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:31:47   Keith Henderson wrote:
>Got my HW '97 CD in the mail yesterday!
>And for those curious, I planned to send some sort
>of IMO, but when the guy at the post office said I had to mail in a form to
>St. Louis and pay something like $8, I said the hell with that shit, and
>simply sent US$ cash ($22 I think) to Honiton.  I guess they accepted it ok
>(no angry note), but don't really know if this pisses them off or anything.

HEY - this IS good news!  Sure, $22 is a lot for a new CD, but this is Hawkwind, goddamn it!  Now I just have to wait for my passport application to arrive.  Hope they don't run out of CDs...

Thanks for the info, KH!


NP: Soft Machine - _Virtually_

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