BOC: Live '76 on DVD

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Jan 5 10:48:18 EST 1999

> The Dolby 2.0 sound is kind of lame, but that's ok, because they also
> included a PCM stereo track, which sounds fine.  The video looks
> better than my beat up VHS tape, what a surprise.  :-) I haven't
> watched all of it yet - I'll post a more complete review later.  But
> basically, this is the same old Live 76 that we all know and love,
> without the video noise problems and eventual media degredation of
> VHS tape.  Isn't that reason enough to own it?  :-)
> Steve
> swann at

>The Live '76 Sound quality was far from perfect,  but does the DVD really
>sound a lot better?

Can't imagine that.  The source was pretty screwed up to begin with.
Question I have is do people realy think the average BOC fan can afford a
DVD player? 8>)

Ghost in the Ruins

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