BOC: Stoned Age
BREVARD, Adrian R.
abrevard at SHL.COM
Mon Jan 11 11:44:53 EST 1999
>This is an absolutely HORRIBLE even smaller-budget attempt
than "Dazed and Confused" to cash in on the current nostalgia craze. Very
attention was put into authentic detail, vernacular, etc. Along those
same lines, although the movie is set in the '70s, they play BFY.
>That said, I think "Stoned Age" is required viewing for BOC fans,
because hardly a frame of this film goes by without some visual or
verbal reference to BOC. Obviously someone involved in the making of
this movie is a big fan. Unfortunately, it seems he or she was
skipping film glass to listen to their albums.
All of the above is too true. However I was throughly impressed by the T&M
and BOC t-shirts. Hard to find better advertisement if you know what I
mean. hehehehehehehehe
Ghost in the Ruins
CDNP - Galactic Cowboys - Machine Fish
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