BOC: Faves (Was: New to the List)
Brevard, Adrian R
adrian.brevard at EDS.COM
Fri Jul 2 10:05:52 EDT 1999
>_Mirrors_, though, AND _Spectres_ are absolutely HORRIBLE. And I'll fight
anyone over this!!
Far be it from me to pick on anybody's taste but...if you go with the
premise that every BOC song is a good song on some level it all comes down
to the production/song order on any particular album. I like Specters more
than AOF. Mirrors of course has the most underatted song in the bands
history, The Vigil. C'mon give it a try you can find redemption in the
entire catalog.
>Oh, man, speaking of brain fades! Someone had a big one when they
recorded that tune. I came to hate that song even more when they
used it for an opener in place of Stairway. Though I came to resent
R.U. Ready for the same reason, even though it's a good song, it
wasn't worth bumping Stairway as opener. Curiously, I didn't mind
BFY as an opener, as it meant I didn't have to endure it as part of
the Big 3 segment of the show, and the group counterbalanced it by
putting some great stuff into the show[c.f. Golden Age, Astronomy,
That's an excellent point. Very few songs seem to work as a set opener for
BOC. That is so weird. I get cised for Stairways or Take me Away; I've
gotten used to BFY. Anything else just dosen't seem to work. Now if they
were 20+ years younger and headbangers SYIB would sound great at the top.
Not at this age however.
>werent exactly "bashin'" it so much as xpressing weariness over having
heard it so many , many times...
I know bro. For some reason I could hear it on a daily basis and it
wouldn't bother me.
>a few YEARS back? try FEBRUARY/MARCH, comrade...if you're saying it's been
> uglier than what i crawled out from under (my bad, my bad, ENOUGH
already!) > I==DO==NOT==WANNA==KNOW.
Are you kidding? That was like female mud wrestling. There are some old
timers who remember the "Smiley debate" or the great "coffee wars". I got
the scars to prove it. Ask any oldtimer from 5 years and back...we are all
Veterans of the Pyschic Wars. How bad was it? Mature well rounded
individuals turned off their services; rational well balanced folks issued
terse warnings; normally friendly folks spewed curse words. Oh it was bad,
real bad. All because newbies (like me) had no, I repeat no concept of
internet ettiqutte.
The good that came out of it was greater tolerance and patience with those
who simply do not know. Look at yesterdays digest, baited Theo with Rush
stuff and nary a twitch. 8>)
So, who knows about this new SONY project?
Ghost in The Ruins
NP - Govt Mule - Live...With a Little Help from Our Friends (disc one)
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