Upcoming Sony Compilation

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Tue Jul 6 10:47:44 EDT 1999

> > From:         John A. Swartz[SMTP:jswartz at MITRE.ORG]
> >      Someone mentioned the upcoming BOC compilation that should be out
> > soon (although I haven't yet seen it available for pre-order on
> > CDNOW.com), and the fact that Eric polled the AOL crowd about what
> > should be on it.  Before you all get really excited about any BOC
> > rarities or cool tracks that the die-hard fans would want, I should
> > point out that the ground rules for that poll were that the fans were
> > asked what songs Joe Q. Public would most want to hear.

Wonder if  this shameless glomming on is an indication that HF did
well enough for sony to want one more pull on the teat?  I've read
that BOC has the green light for another CMC disc.  Must be sony
figures there's enough interest to warrant another try?  'Course it
costs sony almost nothing to toss out another comp. disc.
Remastered?  Keep dreaming!  Sony wants to spend about twenty cents
on the whole thing...


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