HW: BADAM - Transatlantic gigging

Andrew Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Wed Jul 7 16:50:50 EDT 1999

>         Guess I'd better pick this up: Carl has been unsubscribed for
> about the last month while he finished his thesis and went back to the US
> last Tuesday, leaving Cambridge England down to two BOC-Lers (one
> lurking)
> unless Mike Parkington is still around, and four known Hawkfans. These are
> terrible times indeed.

Sod!  Buggered off without even stopping by for a beer!  Oh well, guess he
was busy, I was busy too.  Plus I decided not to move to Cambridge myself.

Anyway I'm in the south of France now, sending this from my Sony Vaio via my
cellular phone...  that's not really à propos of anything, I just felt like
pointing it out.

Will be back for Godspeed You Black Emperor! on the 15th though.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, apparently Masters of Reality are going to be at the
Borderline (London) in September.  Anyone got their new album yet?

-- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at btinternet.com; http://www.btinternet.com/~andy.gilham

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