HW: BADAM - Transatlantic gigging

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Thu Jul 8 21:15:23 EDT 1999

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Christopher Bruce wrote:

> Just before Larry left there was rumor of a THIRD guitarist for DasLud from
> him, so things are going to be very interesting in the next month or so while
> they woodshed out a set for the show (they have a 90 minute set to fill...).
> Ian has been hard at work rebuilding a guitar especially for the event, and
> Ive been told that Ron (bass and/or guitar) is very excited about playing the
> fest as well. So Carl will be in demand as soon as he surfaces on this side of
> the pond...

        Dammit, you mean they're going to _rehearse_? They're selling out!
:-) Yours,

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