HW: T/shirts and fonts

Keith Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Fri Jul 16 09:31:16 EDT 1999

Sonique said...

>> >http://freespace.virgin.net/kevin.perry/brock.zip
>Is this the same as http://microage.freethemes.com/fonts/zips/ab/brock.zip ?

Yeah, it is.

This is not, of course, what I was looking for.  (I'm looking for the font
that is used on Warrior, and Mountain Grill...it's a little like 'English
Towne' but less fancy...can anyone help?)  Though Kevin insists that this
Brock font has been used on several Hawkwind albums.  I don't really
recognize it though...perhaps from the Text of Festival CD?  No, on second
thought, maybe not...it seems to me that's the forward-slanted logo with the
little 'wings' on the H.  I'll hafta go home and check tonight.  You know, I
can't think of another band that has used so many different fonts/logos as
Hawkwind has.  I guess that's partially because they so often have no
control over the cover art, given that they often don't even know the
releases are being prepared!!  :)

Keith H. (FAA)

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