Off: Jim Carroll

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Jul 19 12:05:33 EDT 1999

Chris Warburton writes:

> the floor of the library; Christine Keeler is sprawled on the couch; Top of
> the Pops deejay John Peel is curled up on a Jacobean sidetable; the guys

> ============================================================
> Spot the deliberate mistake (just kidding): I'm pretty sure that Peel
> didn't have anything to do with TOTP until sometime in the post-punk
> period.  Scully also talks about a side trip that he, Garcia & Weir made to
> the "One Word, One World Poetry Convention" in Amsterdam in '81. Big edits

Can't swear to this but John Peel definitely had an extremely interesting
Sunday evening (I think) radio show in 1971 (I was listening to it at
school so it must have been then) and my suspicion is that all the Radio
1 DJs were required to do television ToTP sessions in rotation so folk
could see what they looked like so I think it was unavoidable that he
would have had appear at least once, and probably more than that.

Could be wrong tho'.   I have wierd TV memories - like I'm sure I
remember Hawkwind appearing on the Old Grey Whistle test - but that
MUST be wrong so I dunno what I'm remembering there!


J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at

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