HW: I've got a Silver Machine

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Wed Jul 28 12:47:44 EDT 1999

DASLUD at AOL.COM writes:
> In black english (ebonics, translated from a couple of web-based translators):
> 1.) ah've gots uh silver machine, you know das right!  Sheeit!
> 2.) Yo buss dis. I'z gets a silvuh machine Sheeit!
> >>
> personally i find zero ==repeat ZERO== humor in this.
> as someone who's used numerous attempts at dialect in my postings here this
> is a low point in my association with BOC-L
> because this isnt dialect.
> it's something UGLY.

Och awa wi ye. A wee bit giggle ne'er did ony herm. If ye henna foond
eet funny then jist smile onyway.

ObGlesgae:  Ah've goat a silver machine. Jimmy. Ken what ah'm saen?

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