OFF: Hurry on Shakedown
Stuart Hamilton
stuarthamilton at CONNECTFREE.CO.UK
Sat Jun 5 05:59:55 EDT 1999
Nothing too bad, musically. The first album was OK, althought the new
one's mince. I believe the negative Kula reaction is to due to Crispian
Mills pronouncements on Nazism, which he now claims (of course) were
misconstrued, and his dodgy musical past in a skinhead band (which he
now denies).
Personally - Spoilt Stupid Rich Kid who's so used to shooting his mouth
off among his fellow SSRKs, who probably concur with his views, that he
honestly didn't realise that his views were extremely stupid, ill
conceived and offensive.
NP The Gales Bros - Hand Me Down
> From:
> Dave Greenhalgh <d.greenhalgh at VIRGIN.NET>
> So what is wrong with Kula Shaker any way?
> Yokohama, June 4.
> Surreal experience of the week: Song Number 3 in the set,
> Hurry on Sundown (and not a bad version of it either.)
> Manami and I were stood next to a bunch of teenagers who
> knew every word to every song. Hurry on Sundown shrieked
> out by Pinky and Perky is definitely an experience that will
> stay with me for a while. :-)
> --
> Dave Greenhalgh
> ICQ#33513470
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