HW: Covers All Questions

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Jun 16 20:05:55 EDT 1999

        Dear All,
                  two questions that list of covers sparked in my mind:
firstly, is Mulowind, as it sounds, an Alman Mulo variation with added HW
members? When was it and what did it do? Secondly, on what albums are all
these ST37 HW covers, and are they still obtainable? In fact, does anyone
know where I might find a decent ST37 discography? Many thanks, yours,

ObColumbo: one more thing, those Underground Zero live numbers with Nik:
are they legitimate releases, and if so when were they recorded and on
what are they released? All grist to my own personal history file you

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