New to the list
Chris Warburton
desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Thu Jun 24 20:37:14 EDT 1999
Paul wrote:
>BOC-L was never originally a BOC list. It has always been a
>Hawkwind/BOC/friends+relations list. The name "BOC-L" is just an
>accident of birth.
>Steve Swann is to blame, of course... ;-)
And one of these days, I'll find something to blame him for...*g*
Welcome on board...I found the list through my BOC interest (Secret
Treaties my personal fave, closely followed by OYFOOYK) , but it served to
reawaken my then dormant interest in Hawkwind ( must be
Steve's fault that I'm broke). As for where to start with our favourite
space cadets (?) I'm also a big fan of the early '70s stuff (Check out the
remasters) and the recently issued "Live 1999 Party" but recorded way back
when, though I'm also fond of more recent stuff too. Beware of dodgy cheap
"Best Of" collections, some of them could put you right off before you've
had a chance to hear the Hawks in all their glory!
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