HW: Brock intervew

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue Mar 2 08:21:48 EST 1999

At 13:24 28/02/99 +0000, Jon Browne wrote:
>Maybe, but perhaps you could also say he's *the* most charismatic front
>man the Hawks have ever had,

along with Calvert, but yes.  Ron did pretty well on the Alien/LiS tours,
but I would agree that Nik had an edge over him, when Nik was on form.

>one of the best songwriters knocking the
>out odd classic like Brainstorm,

Maybe.  He did write good stuff, but he didn't write very much.  If I had
to pick one of his, I'd pick MotU over Brainstorm.

>and with Dave and Lemmy, defines the
>band in most peoples mind.

Probably true.

>Even after all this time.
>The best HW shows I've ever seen were when Nik was in the band.

Not for me.  I've seen good ones with Nik -- I liked Stonehenge '84, for
example -- but the very best were the '89-93 period.  On the downside, the
worst HW shows I've seen seemed largely down to Nik.  I *loved* ICU, but
felt that he didn't fit with HW during that period.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't go see them if he rejoined.  In recent
interviews he's sounded much more positive about the idea, and maybe he'd
work together with the others better than he used to.

Now, Simon House, on the other hand, would be a major attraction for me.

>I never
>came away from an ICU gig feeling less than fantastic.  He may
>not be the greatest musician in the world, but he's a terrific showman.

Absolutely!  Just as long as he fits with the band.


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