HW: Brock intervew

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Mar 3 12:11:07 EST 1999

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999 DASLUD at AOL.COM wrote:

> turner didnt write "kadu flyer"; i believe the credit on the lp is
> "mandelkau/house" or something, and if i'm wrong perhaps there's something
> freudian about a word like 'mandelkau" coming to mind...

        The credit is Mandelkau/House/Turner on Nik's 'Past or Future':
howeer. strangely, the original LP claims it as Mandelkau/House/Calvert.
It seems a bit much to suggest that this is the standard practice of the
Hawkwind population changing credits with a new synth part, given that
it's Nik...
        Jamie Mandelkau was a Ladbroke Grove type wheeler/dealer person,
who was also involved with the Pink Fairies and indeed helped them choose
their name.
        As for 'Dying Seas, well, I like it, throwaway or not. Classic
Turner. The 'Past or Future' version is possibly better. After all
'Paranoid' was a throwaway...
        But Nik still hasn't written a new song since 1985, as far as I
can tell. Yours,

P. S. I'm not giving him any credit for the one on 'The Eternal Sky',
until he writes a tune I shan't be satisfied. In this regard at least.
 |              Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                 |
 |         (01223 338100)               jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk  |
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