' Zilla

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Fri Mar 12 06:36:59 EST 1999

> From:          "<Nick English>" <nick at THECAMPUS.COM>
> They're almost like brothers. Rush is the overachieving, brainy
> golden boy, while BOC is the mischievous, always-up-to-no-good
> sibling...the one who's constantly being told, "Why can't you be more
> upstanding like your brother?" -- in other words, the one I more
> closely identify with!
So let me see if I get this straight...Rush, who put out songs like
The Trees, By Tor and the Snow Dog, and Am I going Bald, are brainier
than BOC, who put out songs like Flaming Telepaths, Astronomy and
Workshop of the Telescopes...

Makes perfect sense to me...


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