Off: 101 adjectives

Joseph Brooks Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET
Fri Mar 12 15:34:10 EST 1999

Go figure.. I always counted Peart's lyrics as one of Rush's strong points.
I don't understand what is bad about *most* of his stuff. (everyone misses
once in a while..). Who do you consider to be a "good" lyricist then? Maybe
I shouldn't ask. I am no rabid Rush fan, though I have enjoyed them over the
years.... Its hard for me to imagine anyone hating them as much as you do. I
suppose there's someone somewhere who can't imagine anyone hating Boston as
much as I do...


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Ted Jackson jr. s2h2
[mailto:tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU]
                Sent:   Friday, March 12, 1999 9:04 AM
                To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
                Subject:        Re: Off: 101 adjectives

                > From:          Joseph Brooks <Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET>

                > Dorky? Yeah, ok.. sometimes.. Ponderous? Like clunky, I
don't see it
                > applying to Rush. Their music always seemed the opposite
of those.. I would
                > say... BTO was ponderous.. Most speed metal oriented bands
and.. (ducking)
                > bands like Motorhead who's music comes across with about
as much finesse as
                > a fart in church (sorry, Lemmy fans...).

                A church fart has much more finesse than Geddy's voice...And
a lot
                more finesse than Neil's 'lyrics'...


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