OFF: Don't throw Styx

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Mar 18 10:15:33 EST 1999

 Actually they're a bunch of kids from Chicago who accidentally hit the
> > big time.  They wrote a hell of a lot of good rock-n-roll (which
> > you'll never have heard, because I seriously doubt that you've even
> > *met* anybody who owns a copy of "Serpent" or "Equinox").  Then they
> > got carried away with their own success, and started getting into
> > artsy, overblown concept albums in the late 70s/early 80s.  They made
> > really big fools of themselves, and they've never lived it down.

True, grew up in a neighborhood about 3 miles away from my wife's old
neighborhood.  Unless you count Tommy Shaw as a real memeber of Styx.
Believe Tommy hails from Alabama..."Go Tide!"

Ah the conceptual stuff was ok, I like this band and used to own several
pieces of vinyl, at least 8, get it?

Can we all work together and find a band universally despised on this list?
We gotta rip somebody...anybody...what about Boston? Motley Crue?  LA Gunns?
C'mon folks think about it.

Ghost in the Ruins

NP: Galactic Cowboys - Space in Your Face

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