OFF: King's X and Others, the silence is broken.

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Mar 24 11:22:21 EST 1999

Ok JB I've got the fever now so why stop:

King's X Discography

Out of the Silent Planet - Heavy music with lovely vocals.  Songs of note:
King (used as opener for many years) Godilox (R&B ballad) Shot of Love.
Personal faves Far, Far Away and Visions

Gretchen Goes to Nebraska - My fave King's X, concept album.  Songs of Note:
Over My Head and Summerland (both staples in the setlist, two of the big
three).  Personal Fave: Pleadies.

Faith Hope Love - Fans really love this one.  Songs of Note: Its Love, title
track.  Personal Faves - Moanjam (man do they just cut loose and play,
especially Ty) Mr. Wilson.

S/T - Often I think this is the ultimate KX album.  Vocals as sharp as they
come.  Musically very tight.  Seriously underatted album.  Songs of Note -
Black Flag, Lost in Germany (Staples in the setlist) Personal faves - Silent
Wind, Prisoner, What I know About Love and The World Around Me.

Dogman - This is where things got different, a real one of a kind album.
Sam Taylor produced the first four albums.  Stone Temple Pilots producer did
this one.  Heavy, heavy stuff with little to none of those famous vocal
harmonies.  Songs of Note: Title Track, cover of Manic Depression (is it
live or Memorex?).  Personal faves: Shoes, Flys and Blue Skies, Cigarettes.

Ear Candy - This one is Da Bomb.  Overall its the best.  Songs of Note:
Sometime, The Train, Life Going By, Looking For Love.  Personal fave: A Box.
Another setlist staple, Ty's solo changes everytime its played, his personal

Tapehead - The latest.  Only complaint is its too short, I want more.  Songs
of Note: Groove Machine, Fade, Over and Over.  Personal Faves:  Happy
(definitley top five fave song) Mr. Evil and World.

There is also a Best of with three bonus tracks (Lover, April Showers and
Sally).  Good selection of tracks on it.

As you can see other KX fans came out of the closet.  But if you really want
an endorsement of this band, next time you see BOC ask Danny Miranda what he
thinks of them.  Boy loves this band.

Ghost in the Ruins

"Well its not just something deep inside my head, it not just for the dead."
KX, Not Just for the Dead

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