OFF: Obscure Album - Last Crack

Chip Hart chip at PCC.COM
Tue Mar 30 09:20:21 EST 1999

        My favorite relatively unknown album is Last Crack's "Burning
        Time."  Great production, fun musicianship, and a good front
        man.  Plus, I like the lyrics.  Al B was kind enough to make a
        copy of their first album for me, as both it and Burning Time
        are OOP.

        I don't know who I'd compare them to - their "sound" would be
        familiar to anyone in the Mind Funk/Dream Theater vein, but
        they are quite different.

Chip Hart                           *                        chip @
Physicians's Computer Company       *    
1 Main Street                       *                     Work:800-722-7708
Winooski, VT 05404                  *                     Fax: 802-846-8178

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