HW: Lyrics
Sat May 15 14:18:46 EDT 1999
In a message dated 5/15/99 1:14:52 PM, cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK writes:
<< I count
the bass solo on the _Doremi_ "Time We Left" to be one of the
greatest achievements in the history of the universe. >>
oh man, the engineer mighta gotten pissed at how lemmy cranked up his amp on
the spot at the start of that solo...(contrast w/him going through the board
on the "warriors" lp and being buried...)...harkening back to my teen daze,
"time we left" was "the armageddon song" due in part to that solo...can
recall playing side two of "doremi" to a much older friend and telling him
"okay, here comes armageddon" and when it was over his response was along the
lines of "whew, you were right"... which is not to say we had an unenjoyable
time w/this armageddon (no relation of course to keith relf's final band, who
would be predominantly unknown here anyway)
<<My point is that _SR_ (and a lot of other HW stuff) is
basically gonzoid sci-fi with liquid hydrogen thrusters--and,
when you get down to it, pretty "tacky". High art, it is not.>>
but during the era we're discussing, it was anti-establishment/non-conformist
gonzoid sci-fi etc., and this is the distinction lost from where we are now,
i tink.
those seeking "high art" in 1973 could turn to their yes lp's (grin)
<<And don't get me wrong: I _ain't_ sayin' that's a bad thing.
And that's not to say that even gonzoid sci-fi cannot be a
vehicle of the more serious and confrontational side of HW
(which is also a good thing). >>
<<For example, "Orgone Accumulator"
does not explicitly discuss either Reich's theories or the
social questions raised by his reception and treatment. It's
just a bunch of cheezy rhymes which Bob made up by finding
"-ator" in his rhyming dictionary. Or is it? Or are phrases
like "no social integrator" and "one man isolator" *actually*
social commentary cunningly disguised under the wacky lyrics
of a song which seems to regard an orgone accumulator as
some kind of cybernetic sex toy?>>
another teen memory, another much older friend, the day i bought my second
copy of "a space ritual" (that and "doremi" being the only lp's i had to
replace due to overplaying!)...his comment re: "orgone accumulator" was
"sounds like someone trying to be jagger singing on top of canned
heat"...that that song is really one of the DUMBEST songs of all time (grin)
doesnt lessen my enjoyment of it...stupid stupid boogie song but IT'S OKAY!
in fact it led me to go find out what an "orgone accumulator" actually was...
<< Mostly, I like Hawkwind, music and lyrics, because
they're _fun_.>>
surely i was thinking they were "fun" when i was 15, but they also sang lines
like "they put you down/they cut your hair", and as someone who was once
forcibly dragged outside from the kitchen table and gagged by their
stepmother so that USMC daddy-o could climb on top of me and hack up my hair
w/scissors so badly i'd have to go get a haircut...well, i guess you had to
be there...
<< I like them for all the reasons I've never warmed to post-Barrett Floyd.
There were some people taking loads of drugs and still
not having fun ;) Miserable introspective gits! >>
well said, carl-chan. i might have phrased it "miserable filthy-rich
introspective gits"...y'know, several weeks back when me and others were
tearing up various bands and upsetting certain people here, i didnt dare
bring up floyd because it's not worth going there...but beginning w/"dark
side" they make me puke. i'll leave it at that.
and i wont argue about them now either, so please dont nobody start.
time i left...
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