BOC: That ol' BOC magic at work again...

Bolts of Ungodly Vision js3619 at WIZVAX.NET
Tue May 18 14:43:16 EDT 1999

After much searching in the greater Albany area, not a single one of the
major retailers of compact discs had the MoFi release. Somef them didn't
even know it was out!!

So do not shop at  these places: Coconuts, Record Town, For Your Entertainment
if BOC ye seek. (I think they're owned by the same bloddy company anyway. I
hate music monopolies)

Has anyone else been as unsuccessful as I this midlle day in May?

Kill them all if you wish,
"It is only beginning with me that the earth knows great politics."
        -F.Nietzsche, _Ecce Homo_

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