HW: Hawkwind at Strange Daze 98 MPEG audio

Andy Ball andy.ball at RD.BBC.CO.UK
Mon Nov 8 09:43:24 EST 1999

Hi Paul,or any one else who has downloaded these files. Can you help me out?
I've downloaded these files (about 60Mb in total) but how do I get to play
I've changed the file names from "filemame.128" or what ever to
but I get garbage when I try to play them through several MP3 software
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!



>>BTW, those downloading, remember to transfer in binary mode, and also
>>those with slow and/or unreliable connections might want to use an FTP
>>client that supports "reget" to resume broken transfers (e.g., NetBSD
>>ftp; ncftp for Unix, GetRight [http://www.getright.com/] for

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