HAWKWIND / BOC what's the point? space does not care

Sprawl sprawl at STARPOWER.NET
Sat Nov 13 08:36:33 EST 1999

Don't be hasty..
I've been a member of this list since the beginning of 95.  There are some
great people here.
I've met more than a few of them in person, and talked, traded etc with alot
of them.
Most of my posts don't get responses.   Either because what I posted was not
something that
interested anyone, or there was something more noteworthy going on, or who
It's not a big deal.

Most of what gets posted here is very old news.  Unless it covers tours
(Mostly UK and Europe,
so they don't concern me much,) or new releases, which are interesting, but
only go so far.
So I delete 85% of what gets posted without even opening it.  I just don't
have time to follow all the
threads, and I would bet that is the case with most here.

Have you tried e-mailing any members directly?  I for one, would never
ignore a personal e-mail.
And I am more than happy to discuss anything with anyone.  But for the most
part, I don't have a
clue what I'm talking about, so I mostly try to keep my keyboard quiet.

There are no elitists here.  What?  An elite fan?  That's a funny thought.
I mean, really.  =)

Some of us have become jaded by hearing the same news/opinions/questions
over and again, and for that-
I apologize.

Not that I am setting a very good example, but try to make your subject
lines meaningful and
direct.  And the fewer words you use to get an idea across, the more likely
you are to be read.

And know that some subjects are going to be by-passed, simply because people
don't know
anything about it, or are waiting to see what else may be said.  Who wants
to read 50 "I don't know"

Or-  there are certain people who are very good at providing answers to
certain types of questions.
Alot of people tend to hang back and leave those questions (or subjects) to
those people.  What
happens when those people aren't around to answer?

Give it another shot, man.


>i've been signed on for a month now, and i'm left wondering if my magic
>machine is working correctly. i've been virtually ignored (except by a
>personal friend, a friend who forwarded me your list for months and helped
>sign up); i've posted a few things that i feel deserve some response, or in
>some cases directly requested responses, and got zip. my latest
>(Hawkwind-related) query was posted 2X before someone responded. probably
>of pity. was i filtered out of most of the Hawkwinder's lists because most
>the replies to my first few postings were BOC-related? if so, then what the
>hell am i doing here?
>you represent youselves as a group who are here to exchange ideas,
>and information. what it looks like to me is a clique of exclusionary
>elitists exchanging reminiscences and nit-picking over microscopic detail,
>the exclusion of outsiders who are wanting in. you'll only talk to others
>know exactly what you're talking about. who can learn from that? neither
>nor me.
>i'm a fan! i wanted to learn from you all! what i've learned is that i'm
not s
>avvy enough for your club.
>what you've lost here is someone who's gotten into hawkwind in the last 5
>(through a good friend and member of the list, and through Motorhead
>a newcomer's perspective, some fresh, objective opinions; a metal fan's
>a huge Lemmy supporter with an interest in the band's history, a collector
>looking to fill in some holes in a fast-growing collection--but here is not
>the place for the eager novice. here is the place to exchange war/gig
>stories, drop names, and play hipper-than-thou.
>so i've had my say, at least to those who haven't filtered me.
>life goes on.

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