Other: Moorcock: The Bellyflops! (fwd)
M S Wright
Wed Nov 17 08:58:24 EST 1999
had a look around
> http://moorcock.cjb.net/
and found it very good, informative and interesting, and well presented.
Thanks for making the effort, and keep up the good work.
I know that there are some pages that are at an early stage, but I thought
I'd mention a couple of things that you probably know, but might not.
In the influenced music section I think Cirith Ungol might make an
appearance. their covers were Elric paintings, and they give thanks to MM
for inspiration. However I cannot remember if any of their music is MM
>From the links page I couldn't get through to Moorcock tavern
it looks fairly dead.
Cheers for the good stuff.
Mike w
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