Other: Moorcock: The Bellyflops! (fwd)

Chris Warburton desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Wed Nov 17 20:23:47 EST 1999

At 10:36 18.11.1999 +1000, Max Wilcox wrote:

>        Lastly, there was an album called Stormbringer which predates the
>Purple one, done in, I think the early 60s by a folk artist whose name
>currently eludes me...

It was by John Martyn, with his (then) wife Beverly...on Island Records,
dates from about 1970-71

ChrisW - Whose skin is now turning grey & leathery (and what the hell's
that in the middle of my face...cool, now I don't have to take my hands off
the keyboard to use my mouse *G*)

"a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin" -

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