AW: Glastonbury 1990 Questions

Bernhard Pospiech bernhard.pospiech at HOME.INS.DE
Fri Nov 19 10:18:50 EST 1999

Hi there

At 05:08 19.11.99 -0500, you wrote:
>That would be really nice if you could post the track listing >here. I
would apreciate it.

Here it is:

black elk speaks / angels of death / golden void / brainstorm /
instrumental (poem) / ejection / unknown / hassan i sahba / dream worker /
you shouldn’t do that / images

Here is the full set (from my tape)

23.06.90, GLASTONBURY, FESTIVAL, 90 min.
intro / black elk speaks / angels of death / golden void / brainstorm /
instrumental (poem) / ejection / unknown / hassan i sahba / out of the
shadows / snake dance / night of the hawks / jam / dream worker / you
shouldn’t do that / images / damnation alley / your secret's safe with me /
damnation alley


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