HW: Recent v Old / Poll
Jonathan Jarrett
Sun Nov 21 10:36:59 EST 1999
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Bernhard Pospiech wrote:
> I agree. Simon and Harvey fit very good to the current lineup.
> The only intruder was Ron Tree
> >Harvey should join them too so that we would have our favourite 89 line-up
> again,
> Arrrgh! How could I forget Harvey. Of course he should me a member of the
> new lineup!!
I think that if the line-up that played at Croydon went into the
studio to produce this Death Generator thing that was being bantered about
a while back we'd have something truly memorable for the new century
(eventually :-). But I think you have to have Ron until someone starts
writing some songs. Nik hasn't put anything new to record since, well,
let's be generous and say 1993, and before then since 1985; Jerry's
written three damn good tracks but both before this year; Dave doesn't
seem to be writing rock any more; Harvey's all ambience and synth;
Simon's new solo album is stalled or so it seems; Richard's into techno.
Where is the power going to come from except Ron? The trouble is that his
songs are for a punk three-piece really.
I don't know what's coming next but it'll have to be good, and as
usual, totally unpredictable given that nothing seems predictable inside
this framework. Yours,
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