HW: Recent v Old / Poll
david hall
Wed Nov 24 17:54:42 EST 1999
Yeah, Huw, nice guy, top guitarist. Arrange a gig in Glasgow now!
-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: 24 November 1999 06:02
Subject: Re: HW: Recent v Old / Poll
>> On 22 / 11 Ian Abrahams wrote in reply...."Huw LLoyd Langton of
>Al responded:
>> Yeh ....OK terribly sorry for that ommission ....I guess its
>> you define Muso thats the point here......I actually rate Huw as one of
>> top 3 favourite HW family members of all time...Nik and Bob being the
>> others..so It wasnt an insult leaving him out,it was just that I dont
>> he ever had a "Muso" attitude.
>> Dont get me wrong, I dont think Simon has an attitude problem,far from
>> it.I've just always seen him as from the "Arty" side of music (ie Third
>> Band,High Tide,David Bowie etc) and treating music very seriously.
>> To my mind Huw has always had that punky hippy ethos thing in the
>> background, which I've always seen as such a big part of HW.
>Okay, I see understand what you mean though I sort of think Huw bridges the
>gap between the two styles (I was once told his contract with HW was
>basically as a session musician - any truth in this?). I just think he
>tends to get over looked a bit and I just get a little defensive about that
>as I've enjoyed the guy's music and his (and Marions) lyrics very much.
>ian at abrahamsi.freeserve.co.uk
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