OFF: "musicians made drug use look tempting?" ^_~ =koff=
M Holmes
Thu Nov 25 08:33:29 EST 1999
Jonathan Jarrett writes:
> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 wrote:
> > Agreed, but what mystifies me is how these prohibitions are allowed
> > to start? Well, nowadays I understand it, as Americans refuse to
> > vote [currently around 45% voter participation in national
> > elections--sometimes much less in smaller ones] It must make you
> > Europeans shake your heads in disgust. Why is it that you all are
> > smart enough to use the political process while only a small handful
> > of us do?
> Sadly, as I was bitterly remarking on a BBS I hang about on
> yesternight, I believe that's been about turn-out at the last two UK
> general elections.
No way. Turnout at UK general elections is consistently around 70%. It
certainly gets down to 45% and lower in European elections and some
nationwide local elections.
> I wouldn't mind _so_ much if only I didn't keep finding
> people going, "Oh, I didn't vote. What's the point, there's no-one worth
> voting for." Then you go and spoil your ballot, fools!
It might be more encouraging if "None of the Above" were an option, and
if it came top, the seat stayed empty in Parliament. It would at least
make progress towards Zero Politicians possible.
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