HW: Recent v Old / Poll

Andrew A. Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Mon Nov 29 11:54:54 EST 1999

>> 1.  How old are you?

>> 2.  How old were you when you first heard Hawkwind?

>> 3.  What was the 1st HW album you heard?

It is the Business of the Future to be Dangerous

>> 4.  Was that the one that "Hooked-You"?

No.  The second one, a compilation, "Lord of Light" (singles of LoL,
7x7, Paradox, YBBI, tRS, and Ejection (plus some latter-day studio thing
by Nik I can't stand) did the trick.

>> And I'd like to add another two, 5: what is your favourite HW album now?

Quark, Strangeness and Charm.

Edging out Live Chronicles, Live '79, The Business Trip and Hawklords Live.....

I generally prefer live to studio, but my live loyalties are divided.
Yes, I don't list Space Ritual, I'm a heathen.  I don't dislike it, but
its not my favorite.  (for example, I much prefer the Brainstorm on Live '79 to
the Space Ritual one)....

>> and 6: what HW album do you play the most?

Well, I don't play albums as much as mp3s of my
favorite songs... I've slowly been scratching my entire
collection and load up my Rio with random hawkwind when
I go rollerblading...

Specific album.....

The Business Trip.

I thought we were almost on the verge of another Hawkbrawl
a couple months ago and then I forgot what happened to it...

"I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random
Andrew Apold

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