HW : Fw: Borders.com Order Shipment Notification

Stephan Spiegel spiegel at INTPLSRV.NET
Sun Oct 10 12:31:54 EDT 1999

Saw this on Borders, and it said "Ships Immediately".  And by golly it did!
Will get it in a few days...But I thought this was going to take a while to
the stores?  It can't be HAWKVP2CD ?  Can it?  Wish the "Doctor" would
diagnose this symptom ....  I'm feeling funny



>We wanted to let you know that we recently shipped the items below.
>Thanks again for ordering from Borders.com!
>You requested:
>2 copies of "Greasy Trucker's Party"
>       Man / Hawkwind / Brinsley Schwar; $13.59
>          2 Copies are included in this shipment.

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