HW: Purchase Advice
Stephan Spiegel
spiegel at INTPLSRV.NET
Mon Oct 25 13:34:45 EDT 1999
-----Original Message-----
From: dhuggins <dhuggins at HYPERNOVA.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Saturday, October 23, 1999 4:10 PM
Subject: HW: Purchase Advice
> I have been holding off on buying HW stuff the last year because I
>couldn't find a source that "had it all" I am in the states, and prefer to
>buy here. I am looking for the following on CD:
>-Quark, Strangeness, and Charm ( the original 70's recording, but not the
>one with the Griffen Book) www.intplsrv.net/hawkman
>-Distant Horizons
>-In Your Area www.intplsrv.net/hawkman
>I prefer to pay by personal check, even if I have to wait for the check to
>clear on the other end.
No problem, if I like your face, I'll take the chance and send right away
>Is there ever a possibility that HW 97 will ever be put out other than
>through passport holders? I just don't like submitting my picture and
>details to anyone, not just HW.
Hey, the FBI and CIA know who you are....
unless you're Mike Coleman ! ! ! :))))
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