HW: covers

PatrickC s328171 at STUDENT.UQ.EDU.AU
Mon Oct 25 21:46:15 EDT 1999

Alright. After a bit of searching I found it - and feel rather silly. This
is just the Griffin re-release of This is Hawkwind do not panic. (See URL)


The one I saw is in the bottom right hand picture. Although the track
listing I still maintain is incorrect. On the Griffin CD `Freefall' and one
other track which eludes me is definitely on it. Maybe Griffin just did the
usual thing and added two extra tracks for this release.

Confusion cleared.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Tuesday, 26 October 1999 10:15
Subject: Re: HW: covers

>On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, PatrickC wrote:
>> BTW, can anyone tell me if the new `Stonhenge revisited' (I think that is
>> the name - it has most of the Stonhenge gig with Freefall, and other
>> Hawklord stuff thrown in) is worth getting?
>        Forgive me if I repeat, but: did we settle what this thing was and
>wqhether it had extra tracks or not? Or is it the _Choose Your Masques
>Live_ double-CD? Yours,
>                        Jon

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