an observation from a rookie

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Oct 27 08:20:42 EDT 1999

> From:          Bolts of Ungodly Vision <js3619 at WIZVAX.NET>

>         4. Buck plays the same way since 1976.... which the more i think about
>            it, the worse it sounds.

Hate to argue with the usually inspired Jason, but here, you're dead
wrong.  Buck's playing is currently at an all-time high, esp. in the
live shows.  In the old days, BD could be pretty hit-or-miss at
concerts.  He might fluff certain parts of a song only to redeem
[sic] himself with a great solo.  Judging by what I've seen at
concerts the last few years, BD is positively inspired in his playing
throughout the shows.  Only criticism I can muster being that
sometimes his stage volume is too low, so that you can actually hear
him better if you're further back in the crowd...

>         5. Every time something NEW attempts to exist in their discography that's
> not a Best of, it gets buired through some sad mechanism.

Can't agree with this either.  I'm under the impression that HF has
sold decently well--better than expected.  I think they're on a label
that's good for them, and I suspect that the relative inactivity of
the band of late might suggest that they're spending some time in the
studio.  I do know they have the green light from CMC to make another

>         6. You can only say drop steve schenck so many times before your voice
> gets hoarse.

NO argument here...

>         7. No one drums like Albert and Danny Miranda is a good bassist.

Given Albert is sui generis.  What's your point
re Danny?

>         8. Live shows, though more prevalent than Hawkwind, are tarred and
> feathered for being stale.  For goodness sakes they didn't even try to  do
> the bulk of  Heaven Forbid when it was a new disc.

That's hardly unusual.  Most 'nostalgia' bands only toss in a small
amount of new material.  In fact few 'current' bands play a lot of
new stuff at shows.  When a band has so many albums in their catalog,
they realise that fans want to hear a lot of older stuff...

> Can you tell I'm miffed? Thank god for the Brain Surgeons.  At least with
> them you know that theres new work afoot in between appearances in the
> light of stage and CD stores.
Hmm...When was the last tBS gig?


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