hawkwind members list

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sun Sep 5 12:32:35 EDT 1999

On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Nick Lee wrote:

> >> DUMPY   DU      GUITAR  VOCALS          86,87,88,99
> >
> >        These guest appearances or has he actually filled in? If so,
> >wasn't he also a guest at Blackheath in 1997, or was that someone else?
> That was Huwie, Dumpy guested with the band this year at the Pentrich bike
> show, along with several other appearances in the late '80s.

        D'oh! Of course Huwie was at Blackheath. I meant Shepherd's Bush -
who was the guest bass player there? I believe he's in the _IYA_ liner
too, whoever he is, big chap with metal in his face.

        Thanks for all the other info, by the way, people... yours,

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