Dave Berry
daveb at TARDIS.ED.AC.UK
Fri Sep 10 11:35:50 EDT 1999
At 14:44 06/09/99 , Jon Browne wrote:
>I see Cauty is signing himself Zeus B. Held, a pseudonym I've used myself
>here, curses....
>Originally an obscure '70's Krautrocker I first heard on "Unknown
>Deutcheland Vol.1", it couldn't be the same Zeus B. Held, now could
Dunno about that, but I notice that the Love In Space single (with Lord of
Light/Sonic Attack) is credited as being remixed by Zeus B. Held and Matt
Dietrich. (Although to be honest, the version of Sonic Attack sounds more
remixed than Love In Space).
(Is this the version of Love In Space on Epoch-Eclipse?)
Just playing this now -- it's a real shame they didn't include this version
of Lord Of Light on the Love In Space album. While I can see that it's
not the best version ever, it's still pretty good, and would have fitted
well. (I've said this before, I know...)
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