Brain Surgeons Update

Chip Hart chip at PCC.COM
Mon Sep 13 11:07:07 EDT 1999

        I had the fortune to get a listen to the new DOUBLE CD from the
        Brain Surgeons about 2 weeks ago.  There are so many songs, it's
        hard to categorize the release (some heavy, some crooning, some
        funny, some serious), but I think anyone who enjoyed, say, _Box
        of Hammers_ will be quite happy.

        In any event, they had planned to be ready for the release, but
        the pressing plany apparently screwed up (forgot to label them
        as "DOUBLE DISK SETS" or something like that).  Deb asked me to
        let people know.  In the meantime, I've been trying to convince
        them to release a track or two on MP3 for all of us!

Chip Hart                           *                        chip @
Physicians's Computer Company       *    
1 Main Street                       *                     Work:800-722-7708
Winooski, VT 05404                  *                     Fax: 802-846-8178

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