OFF: CMJ/Tour dates (long)

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Thu Sep 16 18:27:00 EDT 1999

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Doug Pearson wrote:

> >Pretty Things     Maxwell's        9-17 Fri.        11:00pm
> I saw the Pretty Things last weekend in San Francisco - FANTASTIC!  They
> play music from their entire career, from their original high-energy R&B
> configuration (and Phil May can still snarl as well now as when he was in
> his 20s) through the exquisite psychedelia of 'S.F. Sorrow' and 'Parachute'
> through their straight-ahead 70s rock through a couple good songs off of
> their newest album.  And it's all good!  One of the highlights of the
> performance, for me, was hearing Dick Taylor's psychedelic guitar leads
> (especially in the set-closing "L.S.D."->"Old Man Going" segment) - it
> really showed that this was the guy who produced (and played on) the first
> Hawkwind album.  I had never really made the connection before, despite
> having listened to 'S.F. Sorrow' hundreds of times, but it was obvious that
> his playing must have been one of the bigger influences (along with
> Barrett/Gilmour) on Dave Brock's transition from acoustic blues guitarist
> to the blanga space rocker that we know and love him as.

        Got _Resurrection_ by this lot as a first step into Things,
Pretty, and wasn't too impressed on first listen. Is the old stuff better,
or was I just not listening? Yours,

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