HW: Reunion at Brixton (or anywhere)

Dave Berry daveb at TARDIS.ED.AC.UK
Tue Sep 28 11:56:55 EDT 1999

At 13:11 28/09/99 , Brian Halligan wrote:
>I talked to Adrian Shaw at a recent Bevis Frond show.  He said he had heard
>that *one* of the reasons the show won't happen is because Lemmy only
>wanted two days to rehearse, and he also wanted a large sum of money to
>play (which he rightly deserves).

My suggestion is to take the sum that Lemmy wants, divide it by the number of seats, and let people know that they're paying x pounds per ticket just to see Lemmy play with Hawkwind (on top of the other costs).  I reckon most people will gladly pay one or two quid for a "Lemmy tax", which would translate into a couple of grand for him.  Like it or loathe it, that's the way the market works.

On the other hand, if he's asking for 5-10 quid per punter, he can go screw himself.


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