HW:inferior talent

Filip Vanhuyse filip.vanhuyse at YUCOM.BE
Mon Apr 17 01:04:29 EDT 2000

ok Kris,

give me a week or so to look it up.I've just relocated and
chaos rules for the moment.Must say the Bowie article is in
Dutch.(Can't remember if it's a translation from Rolling Stone,
as they do sometimes in that magazine).

greetings to you and dave
filip hawknut

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: XXX 
  Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 1:08 PM
  Subject: Re: HW:inferior talent

  Sorry to write so long after the subject came up!
  Filip, have you got the David Bowie and Eric Clapton articles?
  Any chance of sending us copies?

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Filip Vanhuyse 
    To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L 
    Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 7:20 AM
    Subject: HW:inferior talent

    Hello all,

    I don't agree with some of you who tell that
    Hawkwind has inferior talent.
    I have a article with David Bowie where he is
    asked about the best artists he ever played with
    and he states:Andrew Belew and Simon House!!!
    And wasn't Alan Davey a hell of a bass-player?
    I also have a biography of Eric Clapton who states
    that he and Mr.Brock played together.I asked Dave
    about it and he said it's TRUE !!

    Best wishes
    filip hawknut

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